We are pleased to introduce Dr. Barima Afrane as our Minority Shareholder Representative. With his extensive background in pharmacology and a wealth of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Afrane embodies our commitment to inclusivity and transparency. His appointment will ensure that the voices of minority shareholders are heard and considered in our corporate governance structure. He will provide a clear and direct channel for feedback, fostering open communication between the board and shareholders. His presence on the board promotes a more inclusive environment, where all shareholders, regardless of their ownership stake, have a voice.

Dr. Barima Afrane is a renowned Pharmacologist with a distinguished career as a Lecturer and Medical Advisor in the United States and the Middle East. He brings a wealth of academic and practical experience to our board.
How to Contact Dr. Barima Afrane.

For any questions, concerns, or feedback, minority shareholders may reach Dr. Barima Afrane via email on:
Email: barima.afrane@dasplcgh.com